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116 Mensagens de Visitantes

  1. Ver Conversa
    Sdds eterna do meu xuhhhh (L)
  2. Ver Conversa
    Eh domingo agora mlk ?
  3. Ver Conversa
    Seize the Day
    Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
    It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

    I see my vision burn,
    I feel my memories fade with time
    But I'm too young to worry
    These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past

    I found you here, now please just stay for a while
    I can move on with you around
    I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
    I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
    We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you

    sdds do meu xuh *-* (L)
  4. Ver Conversa
    This Love - Xuhhhhh meu love (L)
    Maroon 5

    I was so high I did not recognize
    The fire burning in her eyes
    The chaos that controlled my mind
    Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane
    Never to return again
    But always in my heart

    This love has taken its toll on me
    She said goodbye too many times before
    Her heart is breaking in front of me
    I have no choice, cause I won't say goodbye anymore

    I tried my best to feed her appetite
    Keep her coming every night
    So hard to keep her satisfied
    Kept playing love like it was just a game
    Pretending to feel the same
    Then turn around and leave again... forever

    This love has taken its toll on me
    She said goodbye too many times before
    Her heart is breaking in front of me
    I have no choice, cause I won't say goodbye anymore

    I'll fix these broken things
    Repair your broken wings
    And make sure everything's alright
    (it's alright, it's alright)
    My pressure on your hips
    Sinking my fingertips
    Every inch of you
    Cause I know that's what you want me to do
  5. Ver Conversa
    Xuhhhhhhhhhh love forever...

    When I first saw you
    I saw love
    When the first time you touched me
    I felt love
    And after all this time
    You're still the one that I love

    Looks like we made it
    Look how far we've come my baby
    We might took the long way
    We knew we'd get there someday

    They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
    But just look at us holding on
    We're still together still going strong

    (You're still the one)
    You're still the one I run to
    The one that I belong to
    You're still the one I want for life
    (You're still the one)
    You're still the one that I love
    The only one I dream of
    You're still the one I kiss good night

    Ain't nothing better
    We beat the odds together
    I'm glad we didn't listen
    Look at what we would be missin'
  6. Ver Conversa
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Milloooooooooooo mil e uma noites de amor com vc...

    Sdds meu xuhhhhh
  7. Ver Conversa
    Opa mlk eu ando meio afastado do jogo mas quaquer dias desses eu volto a loga sabe como eh neh estudando e trampando muito
    dai o tempo livre uso pra descança ^^ mas eh isso aee aparece la qualquer dia desses xD

    Eh Noisssss Forte Abraxxx mlk !
  8. Ver Conversa
    fala milloooooooooooo
    poise to trabalhando pacas kkkkkkkkkkk
    aparese uma hora manio
  9. Ver Conversa
    Salve mlkt aki tah tudo sussa mlk eu logo sim mas so ra brinca e conversarnão tenho jogado muit ultimamente

    sim mlk esse ano eu entro n facul porenquanto to so estudando pra presta novamente o vestibular o vitor mal loga tbm

    pra mim o jgo em si esta perdendo a graça agora estou jogando ***** daee entro bem pouco la no mu .

    Maas aee aparece qualquer dia la pra nois troca uma ideia eh nois mlk grande abraço !
  10. Ver Conversa
    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossa, que legal HAIEUOHAUIAHUAHIUA
    pensei que você morasse em Ribeirão, ou região... hahahahaa
    nossa muito legal mesmo, nunca imaginei que teria alguém kkkkk
    Você mora quase no fim do mundo, e do outro lado da cidade ... eu moro no Alto do Ginásio hasuiohsuiahs
    Enfim, que legal encontrar alguém daqui!! :D
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Sobre Millo

Informações Básicas

Sobre Millo
Em algum lugar do planeta terra


"Se eu vi mais longe, foi por estar de pé sobre ombros de gigantes." Isaac Newton


Mensagens Totais
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Mensagens de Visitantes
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Mensagem Mais Recente
06/09/2024 19:13
Informações Gerais
Última Atividade
08/09/2024 19:37
Data de Ingresso

38 Amigos

  1. 0000000000 0000000000 está desconectado


  2. 0ESCOLHIDO 0ESCOLHIDO está desconectado


  3. annny_2 annny_2 está desconectado


  4. AraTorN AraTorN está desconectado


  5. BadSaint BadSaint está desconectado


  6. carlos carlos está desconectado


  7. cesar_12 cesar_12 está desconectado


  8. DC300 DC300 está desconectado


  9. Diih Diih está desconectado

    Phoenix of Darkness

  10. Elisio007 Elisio007 está desconectado

    Elite Bull Fighter

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  • 11:18 - Oculto
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